Thursday, May 1, 2008

Update on our garden area

On our (very tiny) playground space their was a large box full of rocks left over from a landscape project. Besides being an eyesore, the box was attracting wasps, so I finally got a friendly neighbor to volunteer and had him come haul the rocks out of the box and drag the box away. I was thinking of putting a butterfly garden in the bare space it left, so I stacked the rocks around the side & dumped some soil in the middle, meaning to get back to it later. Yesterday the kids all piled into the space (about 2 ft x 2 ft, barely fit eight kids!) and dug to their hearts content. Needless to say, while I may let them throw a few seeds in there just for the fun of it, we will not be having a butterfly garden. My "playground" is about 400 square feet, and I can't make any major changes to it. We do have a large grassy area the children can run around in, but I wish I could add some mulch for our stumps & boards (so far nobody's been hurt falling on the grass, but if my insurance agent knew about that he would not be happy!), a space for a garden, and a few trees.