Sunday, August 31, 2008

Room Arrangement Suggestions...

I'm a couple weeks into the school year & still trying to figure out the best way to set up our room. I was satisfied with the set up for the first week or so, but now am trying to think of more effective ways to manage things! This is long, as usual... Pictures of my intial set up are available here: My major questions.... Any suggestions on how to minimize the dumping? My morning class, made up of mostly new 3's, has, for the most part, done fine. However--my afternoon class with older children already familiar with the program, can thrash the room by dumping out EVERY bin in the course of 5 minutes. I want to put out my light table, but can't decide where it should go. I'm open to any ideas. It seems to work better on the floor than on a table, at least it did last year. Entry Way: I love our entry way! We made a coat rack that I think is just wonderful, and I found affordable tote bags at KMart for each of the children (as a bonus, they are organic). I'm trying to decide how best to use the bulletin board in the hall--right now it has pictures & the names of each of the children. I'm not sure whether I'll use it as a documentation panel, art display, or keep their pictures up awhile longer? The parent's board (pink rim) gets a bit cluttered with the items I am required by licensing to post (curriculum outlines, menu, exclusion policies, etc) but is functional. I want to get a calendar with the children's photos instead of the one I have up right now. Still working on that. I do have a door there in the hallway where I have posted our first documentation panel of the year. Still takes a lot of effort to get parents to stop and look at it. Writing Center: This area has actually worked out better than I anticipated. I ended up moving the brown shelf out to open up the classroom more, this helped a lot! The banker boxes have actually been quite sufficent as cubbies, if the children have larger items they simply keep them in their bags. I plan to start on the children's portfolios tomorrow. Blocks area: I only put half my unit blocks out to start with, and ended up taking nearly half of those out within the first week. I probably have about 50-60 blocks out now, and that seems to be plenty for 3-4 children (combined with the other available materials). After the first day I turned the blocks shelf sideways to keep the area seperate from dramatic play more than it was because the children were running wild between the two areas & blocks were getting tossed around without much intentional play. I also moved the tree house into the blocks area since it was getting a lot of use, but kept getting knocked over in the dramatic play area. I also moved our crabs from the science area to the top of the blocks shelf to make the science shelf easier to move for group time. That was, perhaps, one of the best unintentional moves I could make! This triggered the interest in making block cages for the crabs, which grew into garages and castles for the snails & caterpillars. One of my new little ones is also an avid tower builder. My goal for this week is to post pictures of the various structures they have created so they can revisit their work. Dramatic Play: I made a few adjustments to this area before the first day of school. When two of my returning children came for their play group (I hosted an hour-long group with 3-4 children from each class the week before school started) it was apparent their interest in playing "puppies" had carried over from the year before. So I added stuffed dogs & items from the pet store to the pillows in this area. Initially, they were very interested in this "dog bed", but now they seem to be more interested in hiding the dogs under the tables, so it may be time to re-consider the use of this area. They love the play kichen, this is easily one of the most used items in the classroom. However, they are still into dumping & the three baskets of food and dishes end up getting everywhere! I took about half the food out last night, we'll see if that makes a difference. The top of the table is also where I put our parent sign in sheets & notes, which isn't ideal, but I haven't come up with a better idea yet. Science Area: My goal with the science area this year was to position it in a way that it encouraged use of the materials throughout the other centers (particularly blocks and dramatic play). To achieve this, I think I need to add more natural materials for open ended use. We're going on a nature field trip next month & I'm hoping the children can collect materials for this area. Recently we had the chance to shuck corn & we found several corn caterpillars. The children have LOVED these caterpillars (to death, with some of them!) far more than the painted lady caterpillars we had last year (which grew to maturity in a sanitary cup). Literacy Center: I feel like our literacy area is working fine. After trying several arrangements I finally satisfied myself with a nook by the piano. Instead of having the materials against the back wall (where the kids had to pull them out to use them) I replaced these bins with a media shelf full of our lending library materials (my only complaint is the parent's lending library materials are not closer to the door and so far none of the parents have shown interest). I moved the bins to where the book rack is shown now, and added books to the pockets on top. I've tried to incorporate literacy throughout the classroom, of course, but I specifically wanted this to be a cozy area where one or two children could read together or play quietly. I moved the book standto the other side of the area near our open group space, so there is room for more than a couple of children to read. I would like to add a couple child-sized chairs to this area (I love the IKEA child-sized chairs, one of these days...) Art Center: As planned, initially I put out a very simple art area with materials for coloring, cutting, and pasting. The children have shown little to no interest in this area. They love painting, but for the most part are not yet ready for this as an independent activity. I do set up a paint table at least once a week, and any time they request it. I want to set up an easel--but like last year am not sure where to put it. With the drop cloth & all it just takes up so much space! Last week I did a semi-structured collage activity--the children glued tissue paper on tinfoil. They enjoyed this activity & one of the children asked to repeat it. I'm trying to offer one new art experience each week (guided by The Language of Art), but want to see them using this center as a way to communicate meaning more than just a place to color. Any suggestions?

Room Arrangement Suggestions...

I'm a couple weeks into the school year & still trying to figure out the best way to set up our room. I was satisfied with the set up for the first week or so, but now am trying to think of more effective ways to manage things! This is long, as usual... Pictures of my intial set up are available here: My major questions.... Any suggestions on how to minimize the dumping? My morning class, made up of mostly new 3's, has, for the most part, done fine. However--my afternoon class with older children already familiar with the program, can thrash the room by dumping out EVERY bin in the course of 5 minutes. I want to put out my light table, but can't decide where it should go. I'm open to any ideas. It seems to work better on the floor than on a table, at least it did last year. Entry Way: I love our entry way! We made a coat rack that I think is just wonderful, and I found affordable tote bags at KMart for each of the children (as a bonus, they are organic). I'm trying to decide how best to use the bulletin board in the hall--right now it has pictures & the names of each of the children. I'm not sure whether I'll use it as a documentation panel, art display, or keep their pictures up awhile longer? The parent's board (pink rim) gets a bit cluttered with the items I am required by licensing to post (curriculum outlines, menu, exclusion policies, etc) but is functional. I want to get a calendar with the children's photos instead of the one I have up right now. Still working on that. I do have a door there in the hallway where I have posted our first documentation panel of the year. Still takes a lot of effort to get parents to stop and look at it. Writing Center: This area has actually worked out better than I anticipated. I ended up moving the brown shelf out to open up the classroom more, this helped a lot! The banker boxes have actually been quite sufficent as cubbies, if the children have larger items they simply keep them in their bags. I plan to start on the children's portfolios tomorrow. Blocks area: I only put half my unit blocks out to start with, and ended up taking nearly half of those out within the first week. I probably have about 50-60 blocks out now, and that seems to be plenty for 3-4 children (combined with the other available materials). After the first day I turned the blocks shelf sideways to keep the area seperate from dramatic play more than it was because the children were running wild between the two areas & blocks were getting tossed around without much intentional play. I also moved the tree house into the blocks area since it was getting a lot of use, but kept getting knocked over in the dramatic play area. I also moved our crabs from the science area to the top of the blocks shelf to make the science shelf easier to move for group time. That was, perhaps, one of the best unintentional moves I could make! This triggered the interest in making block cages for the crabs, which grew into garages and castles for the snails & caterpillars. One of my new little ones is also an avid tower builder. My goal for this week is to post pictures of the various structures they have created so they can revisit their work. Dramatic Play: I made a few adjustments to this area before the first day of school. When two of my returning children came for their play group (I hosted an hour-long group with 3-4 children from each class the week before school started) it was apparent their interest in playing "puppies" had carried over from the year before. So I added stuffed dogs & items from the pet store to the pillows in this area. Initially, they were very interested in this "dog bed", but now they seem to be more interested in hiding the dogs under the tables, so it may be time to re-consider the use of this area. They love the play kichen, this is easily one of the most used items in the classroom. However, they are still into dumping & the three baskets of food and dishes end up getting everywhere! I took about half the food out last night, we'll see if that makes a difference. The top of the table is also where I put our parent sign in sheets & notes, which isn't ideal, but I haven't come up with a better idea yet. Science Area: My goal with the science area this year was to position it in a way that it encouraged use of the materials throughout the other centers (particularly blocks and dramatic play). To achieve this, I think I need to add more natural materials for open ended use. We're going on a nature field trip next month & I'm hoping the children can collect materials for this area. Recently we had the chance to shuck corn & we found several corn caterpillars. The children have LOVED these caterpillars (to death, with some of them!) far more than the painted lady caterpillars we had last year (which grew to maturity in a sanitary cup). Literacy Center: I feel like our literacy area is working fine. After trying several arrangements I finally satisfied myself with a nook by the piano. Instead of having the materials against the back wall (where the kids had to pull them out to use them) I replaced these bins with a media shelf full of our lending library materials (my only complaint is the parent's lending library materials are not closer to the door and so far none of the parents have shown interest). I moved the bins to where the book rack is shown now, and added books to the pockets on top. I've tried to incorporate literacy throughout the classroom, of course, but I specifically wanted this to be a cozy area where one or two children could read together or play quietly. I moved the book standto the other side of the area near our open group space, so there is room for more than a couple of children to read. I would like to add a couple child-sized chairs to this area (I love the IKEA child-sized chairs, one of these days...) Art Center: As planned, initially I put out a very simple art area with materials for coloring, cutting, and pasting. The children have shown little to no interest in this area. They love painting, but for the most part are not yet ready for this as an independent activity. I do set up a paint table at least once a week, and any time they request it. I want to set up an easel--but like last year am not sure where to put it. With the drop cloth & all it just takes up so much space! Last week I did a semi-structured collage activity--the children glued tissue paper on tinfoil. They enjoyed this activity & one of the children asked to repeat it. I'm trying to offer one new art experience each week (guided by The Language of Art), but want to see them using this center as a way to communicate meaning more than just a place to color. Any suggestions?

Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama & Education

I've given up on listening to the political speeches, but I reviewed Obama's outline for ECE thoroughly, and at least he HAS a plan for early intervention. He does intend to "reform" NCLB so teachers are not required to teach to the test. I'd be interested in a link to the speech Sydney mentioned--anyone? From his website... "Obama will reform NCLB, which starts by funding the law. Obama believes teachers should not be forced to spend the academic year preparing students to fill in bubbles on standardized tests. He will improve the assessments used to track student progress to measure readiness for college and the workplace and improve student learning in a timely, individualized manner. Obama will also improve NCLB's accountability system so that we are supporting schools that need improvement, rather than punishing them" Also, "He will work to create assessment models that provide educators and students with timely feedback about how it improves student learning, that measure readiness for college and success in an information-age workplace; and that indicate whether individual students are making progress toward reaching high standards. This will include funds for states to implement a boarder range of assessments that can evaluate higher-order skills, including students' abilities to use technology, conduct research, engage in scientific investigation, solve problems, present and defend their ideas. These assessments will provide immediate feedback so that teachers can begin improving student learning right away". Of course, he doesn't say exactly what forms these assessments will take, nor where the funding for these assessment models will come from. He does recognize the importance for intervention from zero to five, and it sounds as though he will support programs that work with parents in the home, which I am in favor of. He also is in favor of voluntary universal pre-kindergarten, it sounds as if he is willing to support existing programs and "invest more in those programs and ensure they are using high-quality, evidence-based models of instruction that have been proven to work" rather than pressuring states to create new programs. If his idea of "evidence-based" models is focused more on developmentally appropriate practice and research-supported approaches (such as RI, High/Scope, CC, etc), I'm supportive of that, but of course he doesn't say whose research he is supporting. He also supports providing further funding for child care for low income families--if that actually happens I would be incredibly impressed. I'm not holding my breath. McCain, on the other hand, concerns me more in the area of standardized testing & inappropriate educational standards. While he doesn't have anywhere near the well presented outline Obama has, his website states "John McCain Will Build On The Lessons Of No Child Left Behind (NCLB). There should be an emphasis on standards and accountability. However, our goal cannot be group averages. Instead, our focus should be to inspire every child to strive to reach his or her potential. While NCLB has been invaluable in providing a clear picture of which schools and students are struggling, it is only the beginning of education reform.". He has yet to convince me exactly how NCLB has been "invaluable". His focus seems to be primarily on ensuring children are meeting standards & giving parents freedom of choice, rather than improving the educational system as a whole. Personally, if I was voting based on education alone I would probably vote for Obama, just because he DOES have some form of an outline, though I'm sure it is far from perfect. As the entire thing stands, I'm not sure I'll even bother standing in line to vote this year.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The whys of early childhood education...

  We KNOW that young children learn best in > child-centered, experience-based, social classrooms > with teachers that facilitate and foster respect.  > Why, why, WHY is this is the exception, not the > rule, in American preschool classrooms?  Because, in the real world environment (outside of college child development labs with university funding) being child-centered & experience based is a lot more work & takes a lot more resources than teaching a "canned" curriculum, at least in the beginning--and until the TEACHERS recognize the value of following the child's lead and begin fighting for that, we will get nowhere with administrators--IMO. As my school year has just begun & as I have begun the licensing process for home/family child care I have, in the last two weeks, talked to at least twenty individuals about my approach--probably more. This confirmed the fact that there is absolutely no one in this county (and the one next to us) who uses anything that could be even slightly classified as "Reggio Inspired". The closest we've come to is ONE program that uses Creative Curriculum--so far all the rest that offer any form of educational program use weekly themes (with the exception of a few "Montessori" programs, only two of which were able to tell me who Montessori was). Those educators I have spoken with, and even some of the families I have talked to, have reacted to my explanations of the importance of following the children & the value of documentation with comments such as "I don't know how I could possibly do that, I don't have enough time as it is" or "It must be pure chaos to have a classroom where children are all exploring their own interests" (yeah, it is--when you are used to children who sit quietly at story time & rotate through centers every 15 minutes, under the threat of time outs or being sent to the office if they don't comply--and then they wonder why they have behavioral problems?????). As someone who is currently entering a possible position in where I may actually be able to reach other educators in the area and share bits and pieces of Reggio Emilia, I would welcome discussion on how to help these educators and caregivers, all of whom are struggling to do what they believe is best for children despite their lack of time & resources, find a way to implement some of the basic frameworks of Reggio Inspired programs (I know these are heavily debated--but I have found recent discussions in this arena helpful as I ponder this question).

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Diversity where there is none...

I've worked in the early childhood field for eight years, and have had only a handful of children who are of African, African American, or Haitian decent. Most of those children I have had are children who have been adopted by Caucasion families. In our neighborhood of 300+ plus people, we have one family of Haitian decent, several families of Hispanic decent, and a couple families of Asian decent. I'm quite excited that my program this year is actually more diverse than it was last--I actually have two children of Hispanic decent, one child who is 1/4 Korean, and another who is 1/2 Japanese. Compared to last year, when the vast majority of my children had blonde hair & blue eyes! In addition, I am one of the few programs in a highly religious community that is not religion based, so I have greater diversity there as well (about 50% of my students are not of the dominant religion). I've tried to incorporate interculturalism (yes, I'm making up words...) in my room wherever possible, including racial and ethnic backgrounds of those not included in the class. I've had Native American speakers cook fry bread, African American storytellers, etc. We celebrated Cinco De Mayo & the Chinese New Year. Our dolls, food, puzzles, books, dress up clothes, etc. represent materials from a variety of cultures. I feel like this is more of a superficial representation of ethics and cultures, but at least it is exposing the children to other possibilities. I like what Leeann said about considering every member of your classroom as a diverse individual. We do incorporate family traditions throughout the year & encourage parents to participate in becoming part of our classroom community. On a side note, how do you accommodate those who do not celebrate, such as members of the Jehovah Witness faith? Or, how do you cope with families who have significantly different beliefs? For example, I would happily include a family whose make up included two moms or two dads (not that it will ever happen in this community!!!), but I can guarantee I would loose many of my current clients, some of whom have placed their children in my program to get away from liberal public school systems.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Power of K: North Carolina Position Statement on Kindergartens of the 21st Century

North Carolina has issued a powerful declaration on the need for play in kindergarten classrooms.  In speaking with many Utah kindergarten teachers as I prepare to teach private kindergarten next year I've heard many express regret that play, art, science, and music have been replaced with reading, reading, and more reading.  Yes, reading is important...but is it the most important aspect of kindergarten educations?  North Carolinians don't seem to think is to hoping other states follow suite...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Charter Schools: Degree or No Degree?

Someone please share documentation that what I've found is an exception to the rule, and not the rule in and of itself?

Here, in a typical charter school with a dozen teachers, you are lucky if two or three of them hold degrees in education. They are typically teachers who have children in the school. For the most part, they hire other parents without degrees, or college students. I suppose some of the parents may have degrees in other areas, but ECE teachers are few and far between. In the preschools (connected to the school, but not state funded) I have yet to meet any teacher with anything beyond a couple years of college. I don't believe that a degree makes a good teacher, by any means. I have met many wonderful ECE professionals with little to no education beyond high school. In fact, in many ways, I believe I was a better teacher before I had my degree, when I was learning through trial & error and not overly concerned with this theorist or that, or whether or not I was meeting state standards. Getting the educational background was great, but I don't think that's what makes me the teacher I am. However I do think, for the most part, teachers should have some form of educational background covering topics relating to child development. Perhaps even something like the CDA for child care providers? Though, I'm not particularly a big fan of the CDA program in many ways, it is certainly better than nothing. I would be less concerned if I felt like the charter schools were offering appropriate training, but since nothing is required in that area very few do anything beyond an occasional inservice meeting. The other thing with charter schools in this area is that every one of the charter schools I have visited (the majority of them, though there may be a couple I have missed) use the Core Knowledge Curriculum, which (in my opinion) is highly academic, with little to no integration.