Thursday, April 29, 2010

This week we...

Finished our kindergarten unit on money by going to the store to buy treats!
Made cookies, practicing measuring and sequencing skills and having fun in the process (more on that to come).
Continued working on basic math skills including counting, addition, and subtraction.

Explored the idea of wind and how it makes things move...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wind Sounds

As we came in from our outside play I invited the children to stop and observe what sounds they could hear. They noticed the birds, then noticed there was another sound but couldn't identify what it was, though they did mimic the sound (it was probably water in the nearby ditch as well as wind). When we joined together as a group I gave the children pinwheels and invited them to explore with them, they noted that they were able to make their own wind. They started talking about the different sounds, and I invited them to each record their own wind and name it.
These recordings were simply made on my cell phone, no high tech requirements there. We watched them using windows media player, and the kids were excited to notice the designs on the screen seemed to coordinate with their wind sounds. This brought us back to the animations online, which we watched again this time focusing on the sounds of the wind as well as the animations. L. noticed the storm wind sounded like scissors and another wind sounded like a snake.