Thursday, May 14, 2009

I found this school via a google search, and loved looking at their website, it's very much like I would like to see in this area (Utah County).  They apparently have separate classes for Reggio Inspired classrooms & Waldorf classrooms: 

I love this paragraph from their website about Waldorf Inspired/Steiner education: 

"A simple, but profound principle underlies Steiner education. Just as humanity as a whole has passed through great cultural epochs, so also the child develops through stages that reflect human history. With that view in mind, nothing is taught for its own sake, but within the context of the development of human consciousness, thereby cultivating the child’s own humanity." 

And about Reggio Inspired education:
The image of the child is central - the child who is curious, full of wonder, rich in resources, able to construct and co-construct his or her own learning. Teachers and students together discover the joy of learning.

There are aspects of both philosophies that I find deeply meaningful, what I would live to strive for is a program encompassing the "best of both worlds" (plus a few other "words" thrown in for good measure).   

Now, for the first step....

I need a location for a project of this type.  Ideally, 800-1200 square feet of indoor space, and ample outdoor space with natural landscaping options.  But I can be creative.  Oh yeah, forgot to mention I have *no* money with which to pay rent, so it must be available for free or (preferred) for exchange of services.  Anyone have a basement not in use??? 


  1. Sorry I do not know of a basement I will let you know if I think of someone

  2. I don't have a basement but I do have some options if you are willing to co-create and to travel!! ;-)
