Saturday, November 21, 2009

Chalk Talk

To continue encouraging writing skills I brought out a bucket of sidewalk chalk. Wow, did the kids get excited about that! B. was my primary focus on this activity, we continued to work on proper grip & writing "B". He's doing well with this, I think we're going to move on to his next letter!
K decided to create a "hop scotch" grid, and wrote all the numbers herself. She's been extremely interested in writing numbers lately, and can write most of the numbers from 1-20. I think she must be working on this in her kindergarten class, but her interest has motivated the others in the class group as well. I love when that happens!

P & L worked together--which is great because that isn't a typical grouping. They drew lines all the way from the driveway, up the sidewalk and around thehouse. L. was extremely focused on how to draw a great big line without picking up the chalk--this was an interesting challenge! After observing K for a minute P. attempted her own squares with numbers in them, showing a distinct preference for the number "7" for some reason.

The best part is after our class the rain washed the chalk away so we get to do it all over again!

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