Tuesday, November 3, 2009

We're stirring our brew...

This was the result of my 4 year old cousin's "experiment" today. I bought him a box of items at the dollar store so he stops using our good cooking supplies! The contents of this particular "brew" include a full bottle of sage, a bag of craft sand (we'll skip that next time, hard to clean up!), half a bottle of hair gel, three bottles of scented bubbles, and some Crystal Light powder. He used the entire content of his "concoction kit" within a 20 minute period.
At my conference with Bev Bos last year I learned an important concept--children need to use "too much". Children learn the concept of moderation as they do any other concept--through practice. Ironically, this "lesson" came just a few days after I tried to introduce the concept of "moderation" to my children. After the conference I presented the children with various collage materials & bottles of glue and let them go to it! Almost every single child used the entire bottle of glue. However, by the end of the year most of the children were easily able to determine exactly how much of a resource they needed for the product they had in mind. This is something they probably would not have developed had I constantly stood over them telling them, "OK--that's enough, stop you have too much!". Thus, my current favored phrase--"Too much? No such." Or, as Bev puts it...
"Could it ever be called wasteful if it nourizhes the creative spirit and soul of a child?"
For more on Bev's view of this topic check out her article entitled "Artist--A Day in the Life":

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